Kai lan is a very popular Asian leafy vegetable used in Cantonese cuisine. It is a rich source of vitamin C and is believed to detoxify the body and lower the risk of cancer. Most importantly, it loves Singapore's weather so it'll be a great starter vegetable for urban farmers!
Care Instructions
Step 1: Use a small gardening pot to seed the vegetable (about 20cm diameter pot for up to 40 seeds). Leave the pot at a sunny spot.
Step 2: In about 14 to 20 days, the seedlings are ready to be transplanted.
Step 3: Water the planting plot with lots of water, and gently loosen the soil.
Step 4: Dig small holes about 20 to 25 cm apart. This ensures each seedling have sufficient space to grow.
Step 5: Water them daily, and fertilise every two weeks. The vegetables will be ready for harvesting 5 to 6 weeks after transplant or maximum 11 weeks after seeding!