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Everyone starts with $100

Here at Veggie-table, we believe in helping our urban farmers kick-start their journey with a small amount in their farmers' wallets.

With this money you may purchase your first seedlings, farming tools, and even kits on our farm store. This money can also be used to sign up for workshops when you are ready to get better at what you do.

Fresh Produce
Donation Jar

$10 from us every time you top-up $100 

We are here to support you in this urban farming journey. 

You can add more value to your farmers' wallet  whenever your wallet is exhausted. We are more than happy to pitch into your farmers' wallet so count us in when you top it up. It's our form of saying "thank you".

Earn Farmer Credits

You get to earn Farmer Credits each time you pay through your Farmers' Wallet. 

With these credits, you get rebates from shopping at our farm store, and get to use these credits to exchange for workshop experiences.

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